Sunday 13 January 2013

First Post

I guess introduction would be appropriate for a first post. I am a second year student in Sheridan College studying Advertising. After I graduate my hopes are on getting a job in this field, preferably in an advertising agency working in the media department or on accounts. This is my first blog, intended for the Interactive Marketing class and I hope I'm doing this right.

I come from Macedonia, that's a beautiful country in Europe for all of you who don't know. I've lived there my whole life, it's my home and forever will be. I usually go back there twice a year, once for New Year and again throughout the summer. But, for now my plans are on continuing my education in Canada, finding a job here and getting on with my life here. Home is where the heart is, but you never know where you are going to end up in life.

My interests are football, football and football. And no, it's not American football or rugby, it's football. That's what it's called everywhere else in the world, and that's how it should be. I've been playing football all my life, starting on the streets, then playing for a youth club in my town, then moving on to a bigger club in another town and finally playing professional football. I don't play professional any more, but I still play it. I was part of the Sheridan soccer varsity team last year, but this year I got injured and I'm just taking it slow and playing for the Sheridan extramural team.

I appreciate you taking your time and reading my blog, my next posting will probably be soon, and I'm going to end this off with a little advice. There is a difference between football and American football. Thank you.

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